Do Redirects Count as Backlinks?
Backlinks are an essential element in a successful SEO strategy. Whether you are actively chasing links from other websites, or you’re creating content that commands authority and generates natural links from websites citing you as a source – links remain an essential ranking factor.
If you have spent countless hours earning or developing high-quality backlinks to your website, it can be a disheartening view to think it could be for naught if you ever decide to move that web page from one location to another.
One helpful method is the 301 redirect. The 301 redirect is a simple HTTP status code that indicates to the user’s browser that the page has moved locations. In this article, we will look at what happens to backlinks when they are redirected and how this can impact your SEO efforts.
Do Redirects Count As Backlinks in SEO?
Yes, redirects count as backlinks as SEO. Googlebot will crawl and follow the redirect string and pass PageRank across the redirected page. The latest data indicates that almost all link authority or PageRank is transferred through a redirect.
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